Being touted as “the first ever, whole-of-government approach to addressing the risks and harnessing the potential benefits of digital assets and their underlying technology”, President Biden just released his anticipated Executive Order on how he intends to tackle digital asset innovation. Putting aside the irony of issuing an Executive Order to study an asset class which was […]
2022 Predictions So Obvious They Should be Called, Certitudes
For many, tis the season to be jolly. But for me, tis the season to be gloating about my 2021 predictions as every single one of my last year’s forecasts have so far come to fruition. Either I am A) truly clairvoyant or B) the signs have simply become that obvious. While I like to believe that […]
GameStopped Hearings Recap – Who Wins and Loses When Partisans Collide?
Over the weekend, I binge-watched last week’s congressional GameStop hearing entitled, “GameStopped – Who Wins and Loses When Short Sellers, Social Media, and Retail Investors Collide?” The all-star cast of witnesses included Gabriel Plotkin, founder of Melvin Capital, the hedge fund that needed a $2.75 billion bailout investment after getting caught in GameStop’s short squeeze; Vlad Tenev, […]
GameStopping the Way to Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Great transformations are often marked with nouns developing into verbs. Phoning. Texting. Facebooking. Tweeting. And most recently, GameStopping. While some may define GameStopping as “crowdbuying stocks that possess implausibly high short interest ratios”, I would argue that GameStopping is not confined to equities, markets or even finance at all. GameStopping is simply the act of […]
How an Investment Group on Reddit Can Return Democracy to Stock Markets
America was established on the doctrine of freedom. One of its many founding liberties grants citizens the right to invest in and profit from the ingenuity of its fellow citizens. Stock markets are vehicles to facilitate this right. Stock markets were created to foster capital formation so that businesses could flourish while individuals participate in […]