I once read that, in life, we encounter two kinds of people: 1) those who are blessings and 2) those who are lessons. And, in the end, we will thank them both. I believe that a similar philosophy can be applied to our relationship with time. Throughout our lives, we experience two kinds of years: […]
Secondary Markets for Crowdfinanced Offerings
Following the SEC’s 568 pages of proposed rules for Title III Crowdfunding, I released a comparison chart highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of selected crowdfinance offerings including 506c offerings, proposed Title III Crowdfunding, Intrastate Crowdfunding and Registered Crowdfunding. In addition to rousing a great deal of interest in Wall Street’s latest corporate finance structures, the chart […]
Good Knight Public Markets
With all of the recent financial scandals and trading losses, the last thing Wall Street needed was another humiliation, but those black eyes just keep on coming for public trading markets. Last week, Knight Capital, known for its electronic execution and high-frequency trading algorithms, suffered massive losses when a software glitch sent out a stream […]
How Facebook’s IPO Exemplifies the Injustice in the Financial Markets
I am dismayed by the number of pundits, legislators and organizations, claiming to be “small investor advocates”, who misrepresent the JOBS Act as another piece of legislation favoring the Wall Street establishment. The truth is the JOBS Act invites competition from both smaller financial service firms and investors which will in turn de-monopolize our capital […]
“Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda” – Lessons Learned from Facebook’s IPO
What “coulda” ignited a desperately needed thriving IPO market, Facebook’s IPO is going down in the history books as a cluster of mishaps complete with a series of investigations and lawsuits looming in the distance. In case there was even a shred of doubt left, the Facebook IPO validates just how dysfunctional the public markets […]