Is this the end of Marketplace Lending or the rebirth of true Peer-to-Peer investing?
How the San Bernardino Massacre Could Impact Lending in the United States
By now everyone knows that the San Bernardino terrorist duo obtained a P2P loan, via a leading online lending platform, just a few weeks prior to the attacks. (Two worthwhile reads on the topic are Ross Kenneth Urken’s “How the San Bernardino Shooters Used the Latest Fintech Tool to Finance Their Terror Attack” and Marketplace Lending […]
Perspective: The Core Mission of Crowdfinance
Why crowdfinance needs to be built on a foundation of integrity & honesty – not inflated market data & half-truths.
Is this another Tech Bubble or a Revolution?
It is not easy distinguishing between a market bubble and a revolution. I believe that even in today’s highly valued startup climate, we are witnessing the latter.
Google’s Investment into Crowdfinance – A Defining Moment for the Financial Markets
Since 2006, P2P & online lending have enjoyed explosive growth. Lending Club and Prosper, America’s two largest P2P lenders have now surpassed $2B in loan origination, and P2P has captured the attention of industry legends, the financial media, the investing public and even today’s technology giants. Lending Club’s board is comprised of such recognized leaders […]