Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by broadcast media. The fact that cavemen were eventually able to invent a box that would bring faraway images and sounds into our living rooms was nothing short of extraordinary. Almost as miraculous as life itself. But it wasn’t until my college years did I […]
DOL Fiduciary Rule or Not – Why Brokerages will be Distancing Themselves from the Retail Retirement Market
The other day I published an article which drew attention to a battle I sense brewing in the retail retirement industry between the Brokerage IRA and the Trust Company IRA. Although no one is really paying much attention to it right now, I promise you that this race to launch a next-generation retail retirement product […]
How the San Bernardino Massacre Could Impact Lending in the United States
By now everyone knows that the San Bernardino terrorist duo obtained a P2P loan, via a leading online lending platform, just a few weeks prior to the attacks. (Two worthwhile reads on the topic are Ross Kenneth Urken’s “How the San Bernardino Shooters Used the Latest Fintech Tool to Finance Their Terror Attack” and Marketplace Lending […]