This article was originally published on The Alpha Pages – Real talk on alternative investments, business & finance. 2016 has been off to a tumultuous and unnerving start – well at least for those whose retirement portfolios are at the mercy of public equity and debt markets. The “Happy New Year season” has barely ended and already […]
How the San Bernardino Massacre Could Impact Lending in the United States
By now everyone knows that the San Bernardino terrorist duo obtained a P2P loan, via a leading online lending platform, just a few weeks prior to the attacks. (Two worthwhile reads on the topic are Ross Kenneth Urken’s “How the San Bernardino Shooters Used the Latest Fintech Tool to Finance Their Terror Attack” and Marketplace Lending […]
The 2015 Predictions of a Self-Proclaimed Crowdfinance Clairvoyant
Tis the season to reflect, predict and, for some, to even gloat a little. And by some, I mean “me”. I am proud to announce that every single one of my 2014 crowdfinance prognostications rang true. Just as I projected at the start of this year: Institutional as well as retail capital poured into P2P […]
Deleveraging America with P2P Lending
The debt side of crowdfinance – typically called P2P (“peer-to-peer”), online or marketplace lending – continues to mushroom at a neck breaking pace, attributable primarily to meatier yields that in many instances have returned more to investors in one month than conventional fixed-income asset classes do in an entire year. Cormac Leech of Liberum estimates […]
Inspiration & Insights from LendIt 2014
I’d like to thank all of the leading and emerging online lending platforms, the industry’s investors as well as its infrastructure and service providers who traveled from all four corners of the globe to attend LendIt 2014. Working with the LendIt team to provide the industry with its annual forum has been one of the […]