2016 will be etched in time as one of the most unpredictable and metamorphic years in our planet’s history. While every fragment of civilization will feel the effects of 2016, the year will leave an indelible imprint on financial services, global political landscapes and mass media for generations to come. The year began with the […]
The Most Transformational Era in Financial Services Since the 1980s
I would like to thank everyone who joined us at the FinTech Revolution event in New York City and over the digital airwaves on November 15th. I am especially grateful for our speakers whose products, technologies and visions are dramatically improving and democratizing financial services. Some of the event highlights – which are all available […]
Profiting from the Unintended Consequences of Brexit
Brexit will have monumental implications on global finance. One of the unintended consequences will be a boost for Crowdfinance, P2P investing and Locavesting. This article highlights where the money will be made in a post-Brexit world.