Another December is upon us, and once again it is time to dust off that flux capacitor, steal some plutonium and see what the future holds. Since I was 4 for 4 in my 2014 predictions, last year I proclaimed myself a “Crowdfinance Clairvoyant”. Although I didn’t score as well this year, don’t revoke my […]
The 2015 Predictions of a Self-Proclaimed Crowdfinance Clairvoyant
Tis the season to reflect, predict and, for some, to even gloat a little. And by some, I mean “me”. I am proud to announce that every single one of my 2014 crowdfinance prognostications rang true. Just as I projected at the start of this year: Institutional as well as retail capital poured into P2P […]
The Equitysphere
The Emerging Equity Crowdfinance Ecosystem Inspired by Orchard Platform’s recently released “Lendscape” – which brilliantly underscores the expanding peer/marketplace lending ecosystem and its movement of capital – I decided to construct a similar flowchart depicting the progression of the equity side of the crowdfinance industry. The “Equitysphere” below encapsulates the maturation of equity crowdfinance. It […]