Another December is upon us, and once again it is time to dust off that flux capacitor, steal some plutonium and see what the future holds. Since I was 4 for 4 in my 2014 predictions, last year I proclaimed myself a “Crowdfinance Clairvoyant”. Although I didn’t score as well this year, don’t revoke my […]
How Wall Street Should be Valuing FinTech
I recently read a thought-provoking article by Dealflow CEO, Steven Dresner, titled, “If you want crowdfunding to succeed, start by de-coupling ‘finance’ from ‘fin-tech.’” What I found most interesting was that the financial data veteran described technology as the “enabler” not the “end game.” Was Dresner intimating that technology has now become the veins – […]
The Equitysphere
The Emerging Equity Crowdfinance Ecosystem Inspired by Orchard Platform’s recently released “Lendscape” – which brilliantly underscores the expanding peer/marketplace lending ecosystem and its movement of capital – I decided to construct a similar flowchart depicting the progression of the equity side of the crowdfinance industry. The “Equitysphere” below encapsulates the maturation of equity crowdfinance. It […]
Online “Angel” Marketplaces
A summary of leading online “angel” marketplaces, their revenue models and the types of deals they offer Click here to download the pdf version with links Make sure to read Profiting from the Crowdfinance Revolution for beneficial due diligence tips.
Reg A – It’s More Than Just Tropical Vacation Music – It May Just Be the Catalyst for the Next Small Cap IPO Boom
On October 21, 2014 – Two and a half years after the signing of the JOBS Act – a group of crowdfinance luminaries and Wall Street veterans assembled in New York City to outline a more practical framework for “unaccredited crowdfunding” – one that would essentially restore the once thriving small cap IPO ecosystem that […]